INNSiDE Manchester Hotel Review

INNSide Manchester lounge

At last, the INNSiDE by Melia Manchester has reopened to the public and was, in fact, our first hotel stay experience since COVID-19 locked us out of our favourite hotels. We were keen to get back to feeding our travel-loving souls and curious to understand what the COVID-19 era hotel experience would be like. In a nutshell, we wanted a cool city break experience, and we wanted to feel ultra-safe.

The COVID-19 measures had been well thought out and, whilst permeating every aspect of our stay, it was reassuring rather than intrusive. At check-in, guests are informed that face coverings are required to be worn in all the public areas, perspex screens at reception protect the guest and the staff, and there are hand-gel stations located liberally throughout the hotel. All staff not behind the screens are wearing face-masks or visors.

The lift occupancy is limited to two guests, and there is a one-way system in place throughout the hotel. Whilst all non-essential items and soft-furnishings have been removed from the hotel rooms to protect the guests, the rooms at INNSiDE Manchester are contemporary. Therefore, they can stand the more minimalist look without feeling sparse helped, of course, by the floor to ceiling windows from which you can take in the Manchester skyline. Tip: you might want to bring your own robe and slippers for the foreseeable future and, of course, a brolly – it is Manchester after all!

The team at INNSiDE Manchester has clearly worked hard to restore the home from home experience whilst making all the necessary adjustments to keep their guests safe. Gorgeous new furnishing and soft lighting have been added to ensure that public spaces can still be enjoyed, albeit at a distance. Thankfully one can still indulge in a cocktail or two (the Espresso Martinis are to die for) and candlelit dinner in the Hideout Lounge and Grill. Here, you can choose from small plates or larger traditional dishes, which include plant-based options and some northern treats, including Bury Black Pudding and a ‘Naughty Manchester Tart’.

INNSide Manchester restaurant

For those not wanting the full dining experience, contactless room-service is available through a nifty QR code system.

The buffet breakfast area has been modified into a sumptuous a la carte dining experience with some extra safety measures in place, such as sterile packaged cutlery and disposable paper menus. Firm favourites such as smashed avocado and poached egg with chilli flakes on soda bread were there to welcome us back, but when in Manchester, you must try the Manc Muffin; bacon and a perfectly runny fried egg on a muffin with tangy Lancashire cheese. We hope it won’t be too long until the infamous DJ returns with his chilled breakfast vibes.

For those keen to keep up with their fitness regime, the gym is open to guests on a pre-booked basis. Safety measures include a limit of four guests per session, equipment cleaned between sessions and non-essentials, and hand weights have been removed again for guest safety.

INNSide Manchester terrace

All in all, it was simply wonderful to back out travelling again. There was plenty of space to spread about and avoid contact with other guests, and the staff are incredibly respectful of the social distancing rules whilst still remaining warm, friendly, and hospitable. What we were looking for was pampering, and safety in equal measures, and INNSiDE Manchester got that just right.


Book your stay at INNSiDE Manchester today for a safe and secure business trip.

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What We All Want to Know About Our Hotel Stays During the COVID-19 Pandemic

hotel cleanliness

As the world gingerly starts to open up for business, many of us will be wondering how we transition from the security of our own highly controlled environments to that of staying in a hotel and relying on hotel cleanliness. Some of us may find the prospect utterly terrifying, and some business travellers will have little choice if the demands of their jobs expect it.

Zoe Whittaker is one such traveller. Zoe has spent eight months a year over the last ten years of her career, away from home, as part of her role in F1 Motorsport. Zoe tells us, “Due to COVID-19 we now need to disinfect every surface, and I would be wondering if door- handles, the room telephone, curtains pulls, etc. will be diligently wiped down. Having previously worked in hotels, I have seen instances where the cups and glasses in the room would only be washed in the bathroom sink and not put into a dishwasher, and bathroom floors were never mopped. I can understand that during busy periods, housekeepers will now find it more time consuming to implement all the extra recommended precautions. Given that some are given a deadline to get a certain number of rooms turned-over and are penalised if they don’t meet their target, I am nervous that they may take short-cuts”.

The Guest Experience 

We spoke to two industry experts. Liz Smith-Mills, Hotel Housekeeping Expert and Adam Munday, General Manager at Melia Hotels International, shared with us the work that is going on behind the scenes to ensure guest and employee safety in the COVID-19 era.

Both Adam and Liz are clear that the entire hotel environment is going to change for the foreseeable future, so what might guests expect in terms of hotel hygiene?

Well firstly, guests can forget (at least in the short-term):

  • Doormen opening lobby and taxi doors.
  • Having our luggage transported to our hotel room.
  • Hugs, kisses and handshakes from those hotel staff we know and love well.
  • In-room extras such as pens, magazines, fluffy robes, slippers, facecloths, plump cushions and throws. All non-essential items will be removed.
  • Jam-packed lifts, we’re likely to see a lift attendant calling the lifts and lift occupancy limited to those in the same household, meaning colleagues will ride in separate lifts.
  • Buffet style buffet breakfasts.
  • Public areas such as bars and restaurants for in the first instance.
  • Daily room cleans, the housekeeping staff will be cleaning rooms only between guests in most cases.
  • Those bulk liquid toiletry dispensers.

hotel cleanliness

What we’re likely to see instead are:

  • Social distancing measures at check-in queues.
  • Screens positioned at reception desks to separate guests from employees.
  • Tech-based check-ins or at least a new key-card each time we check-in.
  • More guests using the stairs in place of the lift.
  • More continental room-service breakfasts.
  • A different room service product more akin to a takeaway left outside your room.
  • Hand sanitiser stations spread liberally around the public areas.
  • More visible cleaning activities and regular cleaning of public surfaces such as door handles.
  • Heat sensors at hotel entrances and exits.
  • A return to the less eco-friendly single-use toiletries.
  • Lower occupancies and fewer guests, with rooms left 72 hours between guests.
  • The requirement to reserve a place in the gym.

Here Bill Marriott shares his plans regarding hotel cleanliness to restore guest confidence as they start to travel again.


Evolving Industry Responses to Hotel Cleanliness

The development of COVID-19 related industry standards is currently evolving. Hotel and lodging associations, hotel cleaning contractors and individual hotel groups are still learning about the virus and the required enhanced cleaning methods. As Liz Smith-Mills tells us, hotels used to focus on an ‘aesthetic clean’ which was largely visual. Today there has to be no room for error, we can’t see the virus. We need to avoid cross-contamination at all costs, and that includes cups and glasses being replaced with sanitised ones each day”. Indeed, Adam tells us that the Melia group are working with a new set of procedures spanning an eye-watering 300 pages.

The American Hotel and Lodging Association is working with key partners within the hospitality industry including Walt Disney and Hyatt Hotels to develop Enhanced, Industry-Wide Hotel Cleaning Standards and Hilton Hotels have partnered with RB, manufacturers of disinfectant Lysol and the Mayo Clinic to develop their new cleaning procedures.

As travellers and hoteliers adapt to the new normal, it’s not going to be easy and as Adam so eloquently puts it “the changes we need to make right now really go against the grain of what the hospitality industry is about”, so we asked him if we’re ever likely to see the return of those plump cushions and fluffy robes? “Hopefully not! A positive is that you will no longer have to spend the first 30 minutes of your hotel stay removing the decorative pillows and throws, they have for once and for all been sent on permanent vacation!”

Our COVID-19 eLearning is packed with practical tips on keeping yourself safe and healthy whilst travelling during the pandemic.

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